The Prostate Cancer Data
The variables represented in the dataset (prostate.sas7bdat) are as follows:
- Treat: Treatment - SI alone vs SIEBRT (SI + EBRT).
- risk: risk group (0 = low, 1 = intermediate and 2 = high).
Note: rx1 and rx2 are two dummy variables for risk (with risk group = low as
the reference group).
- PS: Tumor extension (0 = local, 1 = regional, 2 = distant) by ProstaScint.
Note: ps1 and ps2 are two dummy variables for PS (with ps = 0 as the reference
- st: time-to-event.
- censor: censoring indicator (0 = no event, 1 = event).
Data file: prostate.sas7bdat (SAS dataset)
and a sample SAS program to see the contents of the data: